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internet marketing
internetowa wizytowka Creative Solutions for Business


You are a novice trader and wondering what action to ad, you're looking for the most effective forms of advertising?

How to achieve success in internet marketing?

Electro-com provides comprehensive public relations company on the web. Working with each client, we focus on the effectiveness of our advertising. No matter the size of your budget we choose for you the perfect promotional activities. We also cooperate as a subcontractor, offering professional graphic design services.

Simple and effective advertising,
independently of your budget.


Krzysztof Kamocki
NIP 6112229018

ul. Grażyny Bacewicz 4
58-506 Jelenia Góra

computer help

Tech Support

phone 75 610 64 97 [godz. 10-18]
phone 535 208 100 [godz. 24H]

email: sklep@elektro-kom.net

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